Our first meeting was a huge success thanks to the Steering Team and everyone who attended! We are so glad you were all there! We had nearly 40 moms attend even on a big back to school night. An extra special thank you to Kristin and Janine for the wonderful dinner they made for us and the fun “get to know you” games and prizes. A very special thank you to Becky and Michelle for the beautiful table set up and for introducing us to BeadforLife. And, a special thank you to Megan for the name tag craft preparation.
At the September meeting, we had the opportunity to share a meal, meet new friends, and get to know more about old friends. Steering Team introductions were made and the 2010-2011 Calendar was shared with the group. We are so excited for this year and we welcome your support and help in any area that interests you! After dinner, introductions, and games, we had the chance to personalize a name tag that goes with the MOPS theme for this year, “The Art and Science of Mothering.” Each name tag includes the number and gender of children that each mom has, which table each mom is assigned to, and the BeadforLife beads each mom chose to decorate it with. Each mom also had the opportunity to leave the meeting with a box from Operation Christmas Child to fill and bring back to the next meeting. All 50 boxes were taken, thank you!!
If you did not turn in your MOPS or MOMS registration form and fee, please remember to give it to one of the Steering Team members next time you see them or bring it to next month’s meeting on Oct. 20th.
If you weren’t able to be with us at the September meeting, we are looking forward to having you next month, on Oct. 20th, for our Women’s Health meeting! Bring your friends, bring your Operation Christmas Child boxes, and be ready to see what color table you will be sitting at!
Thanks again for being there last night!
Alyssa Dourte