Friday, October 22, 2010

Women's Health - October 2010 Meeting

Hi Ladies!!!

I hope you were able to join us for our October meeting, if you were unable to make it, here is a brief recap.

We were blessed to have Ruth Sill a wonderful OB/GYN nurse who has over 35+ years of experience.  Ruth was able to share some of her experiences as a nurse as well as a case manager, and also give us some good everyday tips and things to remember as moms and as women.

A key thing we need to remember as moms is that we have to take time to take care of ourselves.  We remember to get our kids regular checkups, and their shots/vaccinations; but how often do we neglect ourselves because there just isn't enough time.  If we fall ill, we will not be able to care for our children or our spouses, so its very important that we remember to make time for ourselves.

In addition to our physical health, it is also important to take time for our mental health.  There is no shame or guilt in needing to talk to professional about our mental health.  As Ruth pointed out, if we were having stomach pains we would go to see a physician, why is it that when we are experiencing mental pain, such as sadness, unexplained anger, mood swings, we ignore those.  Our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

As mothers we also tend to neglect our exercise and diet, we are often too busy caring for our children. We may grab a quick unhealthy snack, or skip our workouts just because our children have taken over most aspects of our day.  We have to teach our children to have a healthy body image, good nutrition and good eating habits.  What we are showing them by example, they will remember and follow when they can make their own choices.  So even if you feel as though you don't have time to workout or eat a healthy meal, think about your little ones and how they look up to you, and emulate your actions.

The final point that Ruth touched on and in my opinion the most important; was spiritual health.  Just as we are going to start taking time for our mental and physical health, we also need to start taking time for our spiritual health.  Taking a few minutes a day, to do a daily devotional, or read a brief piece of scripture from the Bible, can benefit not only you, but your family as well.  Having a solid spiritual foundation will help get you through the lows and highs that life throws at you.  You will also once again be leading your family by example.  What better example could you set, then showing your children that you have a growing and thriving relationship with our Heavenly Father.

If you have any questions or would just like to talk to someone please send me an email and I will connect you with the right people if I am unable to help you.

Our next meeting is scheduled for November 17th and the topic is Shopping on a Budget!  What a great topic to head into the holiday season!!  We will be doing a coupon exchange during this meeting, so please bring any coupons that you would like to exchange.  We will also be collecting canned goods to donate to the local food bank.

I hope to see you in November!!

Till Next Time,

Danielle Verwey on behalf of the CCV MOPs/MOMs Group

Meet the Steering Team

In case you missed the 1st meting, or you were chatting with friends and missed the introductions - we just wanted to make sure that you knew everyone on the Steering Team, and a little something special about them.

Alyssa Dourte - Coordinator

I’m the mom of 2 boys, Jacob who is 6 and Lukas who is 2.  I’ve been married to Ben for 13 years.  I am the Director of Group Life at CCV and got involved with MOPS and MOMS because of how passionate I am about connecting moms for the purpose of growing friendships and relationships with God. I love the support system and camaraderie the MOPS and MOMS groups provide.

Danielle Verwey - PR

I am the mom of 3 boys, Paul (15), Dylan (6), and Gabriel (2).  I have been with my husband Paul for the last 17 years and its been a fun filled ride!  I currently work full but have the luxury of working from my home office.  We recently moved to Harleysville from Richmond, VA.  It has been a blessing to find CCV and the MOPs/MOMs group.  I wanted to be a part of the group and the steering committee because I love the connection, I love feeling connected to other moms and helping them get connected; hence why I am helping with the PR - specifically blogging.  I love to be "in the know", so this is a great role for me!  I am so excited to be able to share our upcoming events and track our fun memories.

Stay tuned for more Steering Team Updates!

Steering Team Members:
 - Alyssa Dourte
 - Dena Monastero
 - Megan Reischel
 - Kristin Rubino
 - Janine Stephans
Discussion Group Leader:
 - Deb Suessmuth
 - Rosemary Schroyer
Creative Activities:
 - Becky Baumgardner
 - Michelle Hanna
 - Danielle Verwey
 - Sarah Whitney
 - Amy Bellaire
 - Rochelle Nesspor
Mentor Moms:
 - Wilma Balent
 - Meg Reimer
 - Leanne Stolpe
 - Jennifer Thompson